William Finck is one of the Bible teachers who I have learned so much from. He was close to Clifton Emahiser before Mr. Emahiser’s death. The two worked together to dig for the truth of the Bible and share it with others. Mr. Finck has his own website that is loaded with teachings. You can find it here. Christogenea – Christianity for the Thinking Man. I highly recommend spending some time there. Below you will find the links to a few of his series which are very educational.
Here is the introduction that you can find on the Christogenea website:
Why did ancient Egypt, once the greatest of all nations, crumble into oblivion, where it has remained for 3,000 years? What happened to the glory of ancient Babylonia, or to Assyria? Where is the splendour of the ancient Persians, or the Medes, or Parthia? How have the Greeks, the pinnacle of ancient civilization, not produced anything of note as a culture since the fall of Byzantium nearly 600 years ago? What happened to the might and the majesty that was Rome, once far greater than them all? How, or why, have all of these once magnificent cultures for so long been little more than quarries for museum relics? America, and all of Christian Civilization, is now following in the footsteps of these ancient empires. It’s absolutely true. The evidence is all around you. History does indeed repeat itself, again and again because people refuse to learn from it. But there is a solution.
You can deny it. You can rant and rave. You can scream. You can cry “hate” and utter blasphemies. You can make railing accusations. But you can’t change the truth. A shining city on a hill cannot be hid. A lamp when lit is not placed under a couch. There is indeed a God of all creation. And there is indeed a race anointed by that God. Here it is identified. Whenever that race allows itself to amalgamate with others, it falls into permanent decay. Understanding this is one of the keys to all history, and it is the understanding of the rise and fall of all great cultures. You can go away mad, even spouting profanities, or you can face the reality, and consider the implications while investigating the assertions being made.
I admire him for his honestly and truth. I’m grateful to him and to Clifton Emahiser for standing strong for that truth and putting it out there for people like me to learn. Please visit the Christogenea website for more teachings. HERE.
A series of podcasts – Explaining Two-Seedline – Pragmatic (Practical) Genesis
A series of podcasts – Against the Paul Bashers
A series of podcasts – On the Revelations of Yahshua Christ