First off before I get into the meat of my post please do not be offended by the image to the left. I am not judging anyone for how they post on social media. This article is about how I post, not anyone else. I simply thought it fit me.
That’s me on the right. There is something in me that screams for righteousness and justice. I can’t sit back and not tell things I find out. I lose “friends” on Facebook weekly but I can’t just write fluffy posts when so much evil is at the door. And whether we want it or not right now evil is not only knocking, it is bashing down the door. You won’t offend me if you unfriend or unfollow me. Really. You won’t be the first nor the last. I’m sorry to see you go and I wish you only the best.
Many people have a Bible story or verse that speaks to them and is their “life” or maybe a “season of life” verse. The verse that has been over me my entire life is Ezekiel 33. I am called to be a watchman. The verse is when Yahweh tells Ezekiel that if Ezekiel speaks up to the Israelite’s and they refuse to do what he tells them then their blood is upon their own heads. However if Ezekiel refuses to speak the truth then the blood of the Israelite’s are upon Ezekiel. Ouch! Those are some marching orders. And those marching orders came with great sacrifice for Ezekiel.
That passage speaks to me a lot and has for most of my life. I didn’t choose the verse. It just “was” from a very young age. It’s why I wrote my book, Adoption Combat Zone, when I didn’t want to. It’s why I write what I write on Facebook and Twitter. Ezekiel did not want to speak up for the truth. Prophets back then were murdered for speaking the truth. At least the only thing that happens to me is being unfriended. At least for today.
Every time I go to post something that is controversial I pause. It’s hard. It’s scary. Then I think of Yahweh talking to Ezekiel. No one likes arguing. No one likes people to think badly of them. No one likes rejection. People have privately told me it will affect my business. Hmmm…maybe. Probably. I’m sure it already has. But when I stand before my God one day I want to know I’ve stood up for what is right and did not put money or business or anything above what is right. I cannot sit idly by and not do the right thing because it might affect my lifestyle or business. I could not possibly face Yahweh and try to explain that. And if someone chooses not to do business with me over what I post on Facebook then that is a sacrifice I am willing to make in the name of truth and transparency.
I don’t sleep much any more. The things I’ve learned about babies and children and people in general are heartbreaking. I want justice for all of them. I want justice for the 800,000 babies and children go missing in America every year. I want justice for the torture, rape, and murder of those babies and children. I want accountability for the murderers and pedophiles. For the men and women who have purchased children and done unspeakable things to them. I want accountability for those who are working behind the scenes to destroy our country and our way of life. I want accountability for the sickness and death that did not have to happen because it was a planned attack on our country and the world. I want justice.
I pray that posting the things that I post will at the very least cause someone to want to know more. To dig and research for themselves. To find out for themselves if what I’m saying is true or not. Dig it out. Look for more resources. What are those resources? Ask questions then ask more questions. Become a critical thinker. Why? Where? When? How? What? Then ask deeper, then deeper still. Keep asking until you get to the truth.
We are in a battle for our very lives right now. This is the ultimate battle of good vs. evil. It’s time to suit up with the Armor of Yahweh from Ephesians 6. The Bible tells us to study to show thyself approved. Yes, that means the Bible for sure. But remember the Bible is our guidebook for life so it means to study everything. Don’t just take my word for it. Don’t just take someone else’s word for it. Dig. The truth is out there. My prayer every day is to learn more truth. For Yahweh to open my eyes to the truth. And then to be brave enough to share it.
This is Simply My Opinion,
Kathe Ray
Twitter @adoptionzone