Jeremiah 14:11 – 16 And Yahweh said to me, “Do not pray for this people for their good. When they fast, I do not hear their cry. And when they offer burnt offering and grain offering, I do not accept them. Instead, I am consuming them by sword, and by scarcity of food, and by…… Continue reading False Prophets
Category: Bible and Bible History
What Is In A Name?
Today I would like to talk about the Name of God, Yahweh. People notice that I use His Name and often ask me why. As I was doing my Bible study earlier I came across the following from William Finck who talks about using the proper Name of Yahweh. For the following have I received…… Continue reading What Is In A Name?
My Daily Bible Study Routine
II Timothy 2:15 “Be diligent to present yourself approved to Yahweh: a workman having no shame, correctly dissecting the word of truth.” Lately I’ve had several people ask me what I do on a daily basis to study my Bible. First let me just say that everyone is different and learns differently so what I…… Continue reading My Daily Bible Study Routine
Franklin Graham: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
The following is from an article published on March 17, 2021. Franklin Graham Urges Clergy to Support COVID Vaccines, Says Jesus Would Have Used Them Too With some Americans feeling hesitant about getting a COVID-19 shot, evangelist Franklin Graham is urging pastors to encourage their congregations to trust in the vaccines. Graham, the president and…… Continue reading Franklin Graham: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Choose Today Whom You Will Serve
One of my favorite chapters in the Bible is Joshua 24. Joshua is about to die at 110 years of age and before he goes he gives the Israelites one last piece of advice. He reminds them of their history up to that point and reminds them of everything Yahweh has done to bring them…… Continue reading Choose Today Whom You Will Serve
Love Your Enemies?
This phrase taken from Matthew chapter 5 has been thrown at me quite a lot lately. For those who follow me on Facebook you know I post on controversial subjects. I’m a watchman. Watchmen learn the truth about something then watchmen sound the warning. They want to wake people up to the truth. I’ve found…… Continue reading Love Your Enemies?
Grace vs. Law
This is a subject that seems to be coming up more often these days. Many say we no longer need to keep the Law because we are under grace. I admit I’m a bit confused by this notion. I’m told it’s because the “Old” Testament is no longer relevant and was only for the Jews.…… Continue reading Grace vs. Law
Three Times Yahweh Held The Waters
My husband and I were driving home from up north yesterday and I commented to him that I feel sorry for people who don’t dig in and study the Bible because they miss out on a lot of amazing nuggets. To me it is the most fascinating book ever written and so many times when…… Continue reading Three Times Yahweh Held The Waters
Esau vs. Jacob – It Matters Today
I’ve known for awhile that I’m supposed to write what I know about Bible history. It’s easy to get caught in the day to day and put off projects like this one. This is going to be a long one so grab a cup of whatever you like to drink and dig in. First, a…… Continue reading Esau vs. Jacob – It Matters Today
How I Became A Conspiracy Thinker
How did I get started digging for the truth? That word – TRUTH. It’s one of the most important words in the world to me. I want the whole truth and nothing but the truth, no matter what. Lie to me and it automatically takes our relationship down a peg, or ten. Maybe it’s living…… Continue reading How I Became A Conspiracy Thinker