Trust – No Matter What!

A few days ago I finished reading the book of Job in the Bible. I’m working my way through the Bible again, this time with a special version which has a blank page inserted between every printed page. My special project is to have one of these Bibles for each of my children. On the…… Continue reading Trust – No Matter What!

Love Isn’t Enough!

A few days ago I was on an adoption page on social media.  Someone was telling the story of their AS (adopted son) who was raging constantly, hitting them, breaking things in the home and undressing, then urinating all over the home.  She was broken, completely broken.  She had given everything she had to this boy…… Continue reading Love Isn’t Enough!

The Backlash Has Begun – Good!

I’m hitting a nerve with some people.  Excellent.  Means what I’m saying just might be making a difference.  There are some who are downright mad and have told me in no uncertain terms to take down my offensive post.  Seems most of those are from those entrenched in the adoption and hosting communities.  May I…… Continue reading The Backlash Has Begun – Good!

First Fruits

A fellow adoptive mom talked with me yesterday.  She is running a big community sale to raise funds for their adoption.  She called to ask my opinion on some feelings she was having.  She felt angry and then guilty that she felt angry towards these people who were donating.  I asked why? She had put…… Continue reading First Fruits

What Is Love?

A couple of weeks ago Vlad said something to me about the word love.  This is a very complicated word and it can have all sorts of meanings and since he is still learning the in’s and out’s of American English I can’t complicate the answer.   There is love of a puppy and the puppy…… Continue reading What Is Love?

Why We Walked Away from Christmas and Easter

We are pretty low-key about how our family does holidays mostly because we don’t do them at all. Some people notice. People notice when you don’t post pictures in front of the tree, send cards, or talk about your holiday. They wonder when you don’t say Merry Christmas. Someone noticed the other day and asked. I…… Continue reading Why We Walked Away from Christmas and Easter

The Fruit of His Spirit

What a difference a few days can make. The power of prayer is phenomenal. These past few weeks have stretched us way beyond anything we could have ever imagined.  Yesterday was calm.  This morning before school was calm.  I am looking forward to these next two weeks of them off school to practice what I’m…… Continue reading The Fruit of His Spirit