Esau vs. Jacob – It Matters Today

I’ve known for awhile that I’m supposed to write what I know about Bible history. It’s easy to get caught in the day to day and put off projects like this one. This is going to be a long one so grab a cup of whatever you like to drink and dig in.

First, a bit about me in regards to the Bible and my relationship with God.

I grew up in a cult. It was bad. I hated God with a passion. I would not hear talk of him or think about going to church. I was so angry at him for what I thought was him abandoning me to the abuse I experienced, but He was so patient. It took many years for me to open my heart to Him. When I did, I realized that all the abuse I had experienced was a refining fire. I could be a voice for the truth. It made me tough and very resilient. It also made me bold and although not fearless I just take a deep breath and speak the truth anyway. It gave me courage to do the hard things. The other thing it did was make me question everything. What someone says about the Bible or even what is going on in the world is not something I take at face value. I look for proof. I am not just going to take someone’s word for it no matter who they are. Critical thinking.

I wanted to know everything. I learned to ask. I ask for the truth, no matter what. I ask him to open my eyes so I can see. I tell him that no matter what I learn, no matter how hard it might be, that I will obey him and tell the truth to whoever will listen. I learned the hard way to be humble before him and to give him all my trust, knowing that no matter what happens, when I am obedient to him I have nothing to worry about.

Some of the truths were shocking. I had to sit on them for a time and do more research and pray – a lot. We made major changes in how we lived our life. Many of those were very hard. Obedience became more important than anything I wanted to hold onto. I learned very quickly that if I wasn’t obedient, he stopped talking. That brings me to now. Sharing this information that I have learned is what I’m supposed to be doing even though I would rather stay quiet, the introvert that I am. This is scary stuff to put out there to the world

Second, I am not in the convincing business.

I will share what I have learned, and it is up to each person to study to show themselves approved. 2 Timothy 2:15. I am happy to discuss but I will never try to convince you that I am right and you are wrong. Each of us is responsible for our own decisions, our own path, our own choice. I am only offering my perspective. Take it or leave it. I urge each and every one listening to this to dig into it yourselves. And ask him for confirmation. He wants us to seek and know the truth and will give it to us when we ask. I relate a lot to Gideon. I have put my own fleece out many times. Even doing this zoom today was based on a confirmation from him. I am a watchman. My core scripture is from Ezekiel 33:6 – But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin – I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.

I feel a great responsibility to speak the truth as I have been shown. In the past he has told me to stop being a Jonah. That was quite a wake-up call let me tell you. I was supposed to write a book about our adoption experience. I did not want to put our family out there like that so raw so I procrastinated. I woke up very early one morning to hear the words, stop being a Jonah. It was as clear as if my husband were talking. I got up and started writing and the book is available on Amazon.

Lastly, I am no expert.

I am just a very curious person who loves Yahweh, history, and the truth, and refused to allow others to control me through scripture. I learned so I would know the truth. As much as I do know, there are a million times more things I do not know. I want to always be a student and keep learning.

Let’s get started.

Malachi 1:1 – 5

The message of the word of Yahweh to Israel by Malachi. I have loved you, said Yahweh. But you asked, in what way have You loved us? Was not Esau Jacob’s brother? declares Yahweh. And I love Jacob, but I have hated Esau, and have laid waste his mountains and his inheritance for the jackals of the wilderness. If Edom says, we have been beaten down, let us return and build the ruins, Yahweh of hosts said thus: Let them build, but I tear down. and they shall be called the land of wickedness and the people against whom Yahweh is enraged forever. And your eyes shall see, and you shall say, great is Yahweh beyond the border of Israel.

There is so much information in those five verses. And in it is contained an idea that I have heard many pastors either be confused by or discount completely. The idea that Yahweh hates anyone, especially an entire people group. Not only does Yahweh hate Esau/Edom but He states that He will be enraged by them FOREVER. It seems it would do us good to know exactly who these Esau/Edomites are today. If these are people Yahweh hates perhaps we as followers of Yahweh should know about them and what, if anything, they have to do with current events. Current Christianity does not like the idea of Yahweh hating anyone, especially an entire people group, so it puts all kinds of spins on it. I have even heard pastors say that Yahweh didn’t mean what he said. Oh my. That is called secular humanism and should not be any part of any Bible teaching. That is putting our own feelings about things superior to what Yahweh says in His Book.

Malachi 1:5 is also important to us today. Read it slowly and carefully. And your eyes shall see, and you shall say, great is Yahweh beyond the border of Israel. I asked myself, where is Yahweh showing His greatness today, right now? That is just one question I asked that took me on a journey going back almost 3,000 years to ancient times.

History of the Israelites

On top of all the prophecies and wisdom, the Bible is a breathtaking view of the history of the people group called the Israelite’s. And as we have all heard from time to time those who fail to remember history are doomed to repeat it. That has been so true when looking at the whole history of the Israelites, even down to today. We continually forget and repeat our mistakes over and over again. I often wonder how patient must Yahweh be to continually forgive us for doing the same wrongs. Another thing about not knowing history is that others can take advantage of us and that’s what we are going to learn today. Those same Esau/Edomites have taken full advantage of people not knowing their history.

Have you ever asked yourself why those oh so boring genealogies are in the Bible? I asked myself that one day. They are there because they are important to Yahweh. And if they are important to him they should be important to us. They are there for a reason. Bloodlines matter. Today we hear about the bloodlines of the illuminati or the 13 families. Well, the bloodlines of those people are in a war with the bloodlines of Yahweh’s people. We need to know about them both and they are right in our Bible’s.

There is something about current Christianity that teaches that belonging to Yahweh is not so much a physical thing but a spiritual thing. This subject is for another day and all I’ll say about it right now is that doesn’t line up with scripture and it is a lie from the pit of hell from those trying to destroy the Israelites and keep them from knowing the truth about who they really are.

There are so many amazing tidbits I used to miss because I didn’t know the historical circumstances or the idioms used in the time the Word was written. Or even more common I believed a certain way because that is the way it was taught to me in a church service or Bible study. One day I realized that the history of this most treasured book is being played out on our world stage today. And knowing the truth has become a matter of life and death.

The beginning.

Let’s go to the beginning of the story of the two brothers Esau and Jacob, one who Yahweh hated and one who Yahweh loved. This is where many of our troubles today began. To know the reason why, we need to go back to the very beginning. To start I will share a brief overview history of the Israelites. To build a strong house one needs a strong foundation.

There are some details in this overview that will be written about in the future. If you are a “church” person this may go against much of what you have been taught. There is no offense meant. I am merely presenting facts as I have found them. If you find something incorrect, please let me know with backup data and information. I have an open mind and believe in the phrase “ask and you shall receive” to mean information and truth. I hope you will keep an open mind as I will. As I have shared before I continually ask Yahweh to open my eyes that I may see the truth.

Six background facts that can be quite shocking.

In future posts we will explore them in more depth.

  • Nowhere in the Bible does it talk about the earth being 6,000 years old. In fact, the Bible itself says, “In the beginning”. It gives no explanation on when that beginning took place. Science and the Bible are aligned in that matter. This may not align with popular church teaching and in fact, it has done much damage to Christianity because there is so much physical evidence to the contrary. Church teaching has taken us far away from science. The science that Yahweh created.
  • There were many “people” groups on the earth long before Yahweh created Adam and Eve. We truly have no idea when the earth was created and how many people or animals have lived on the earth throughout the ages. I think someday we are going to be quite surprised when we learn the whole truth. It seems we have lived in a very small bubble. That Adam and Eve were the first is another fallacy that causes science to distance itself from Christianity. When remains are found that are many thousands of years older than Adam it causes much confusion. Who is the author of confusion?
  • Satan was given dominion over the earth. He abused that dominion when he and the angels with him decided to procreate with animal kind on earth, creating a Satanic strain of beings. The Bible has several names for these including Nephilim, Anakin, and Rephaim. The Enoch literature has many more details on this procreation by the fallen angels. Those “peoples” descended from these procreations are on this earth with us today.
  • Satan saw himself as true god. This is what got him kicked out of the heavens. He saw himself higher than Yahweh. His goal is to eliminate all those from Adam. Especially those of the bloodline set apart for Yahweh, the Israelites. When Yahweh formed Adam and Eve it was to create a pure bloodline with no Satanic or fallen angel blood. These Adamites were set apart to serve Yahweh. They were also told many times not to intermix or race mix with other “people” groups. In the Bible this is often referred to as the doctrine of Balaam. This is first talked about in the book of Numbers. In Numbers 31 Balaam counseled King Balak to bring in Moabite women to cause the children of Israel to commit trespass against Yahweh. Revelation speaks about it in Revelation 2:14 – Who taught Balak to cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit fornication. The modern meaning to fornication is not what it meant in ancient times. In the Bible fornication is an Israelite having sexual relations with a non-Israelite, otherwise known as race-mixing.  
  • The apple in the Genesis account was sex, not a fruit. In fact, the entire Bible is about the love affair between Yahweh and Israel. A future post will go into more details on this. A fallen angel, perhaps Satan himself, had sex with Eve. This was evil in the eyes of Yahweh. Eve became pregnant with Cain. Hence Genesis 3, the seed of Satan. Seed is sperm in the Bible. It marks genealogy/bloodlines. Genesis 3:15 – I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. It marks lineage and genealogy, both of which are incredibly important to Yahweh. As we know, Cain murdered Abel, spilling his blood, and was banished from the family. He went out to build his own legacy and intermarried with another people group or groups in the land of Nod. He is not mentioned in the descendants of Adam in the genealogies. His descendants are known as the Kenites.
  • Cain became the ancestor of Nimrod of ancient Babylon. He was the father/ancestor of Tammuz. We read about Tammuz in Ezekiel 8:14 – …and I saw women sitting there at the north gate of the house of Yahweh, mourning the god Tammuz. Nimrod was the “god” of Babylon and of the Mystery Babylon Religion. Tammuz would continue this “tradition of men” which continues down to this very day. This mystery religion involves human sacrifice including sacrifice of the firstborn child, satanic ritual murder and abuse, drinking of blood, etc. Does this sound familiar? Adrenochrome anyone? This is not new. As the Bible says, there is nothing new under the sun. This is the mystery Babylon talked about in the book of Revelation. This mystery religious/economic/social Babylon has survived throughout history and is at the basis of everything happening in the world today. We are in the fight of all fights. Good vs. evil. This is the religion of the New World Order. By the way here is a little known fact. The cross was used in ancient Babylonian times as a sign of Tammuz. It was used all through the centuries and 300 years before Yahshua Messiah Alexander the Great used it on his standard. The cross is a pagan symbol.

Now if you are still around after all that I applaud you. Most people cannot handle that kind of truth. And that is just the beginning.

The story continues…

Several generations after Adam and Eve, after Noah and the flood (which is a whole other story), came along Abraham. This is where I will get into slightly more detail. Abraham had a child through his wife Sarah. This is Isaac. Abraham had another child through the Egyptian maid Hagar. This is Ishmael. Abraham had other children through a second wife, Keturah, after Sarah died. Those offspring by Keturah are immaterial to this story today although in future centuries they will have a part to play. (Side note: At the time of Abraham the Egyptians had not yet been invaded by the African Nubians and were white Hamites of the son of Noah. Hagar was from the line of Adam through Ham.)

The blessing and inheritance including the Yahweh-given bloodline of succession was given to Isaac. A secondary blessing was given to Ishmael that he would be head of many tribes. Ishmael became the head of the Arab nations. Nomadic peoples who roamed the desert areas of the Middle East and later intermixed with Edomites and many of the descendants of the fallen angels including the Kenites.

Isaac had two sons: Esau and Jacob. Esau was the elder and in most cases the blessing and inheritance would go to the elder. In this case through various acts of disobedience, including that of marrying outside of the Israelite bloodline and marrying into the satanic Canaanite/Kenite bloodline and the Ishmaelite/Arab bloodline from his two wives, Esau was prevented from carrying on the line of Israel succession and it was given to Jacob instead. When you read the Bible account you will see that Yahweh knew Esau would sin against Him by marrying into the satanic line which is why the prophecy that the elder would serve the younger. (There is much more here which I will expand on another time.)

The Canaanite’s were a satanic people who worshipped various gods including Moloch/Ba’al who required human sacrifice including that of infants and children. This included the drinking of blood. This was a continuation of the Mystery Babylon Religion. None of this has changed in many thousands of years since. Statues of Moloch can be found all around the world, including America, and we are still sacrificing children through abortion and satanic ritual abuse (SRA).

This is full of parallels of the satanic Illuminati elite of today. Hunting parties (the hunting of toddlers, children, and teenagers), infant and child sacrifice, cannibalism, and a mystery religion where only those invited can participate and is full of secrecy. SRA or Satanic Ritual Abuse is more common for these Illuminati elites than the normal person can comprehend. That mystery Babylonian religion is still alive and going strong today.

No intermarriage or intermixing of bloodlines. Race mixing is an abomination to Yahweh.

Yahweh was clear on His direction to His set-apart people (at the time called Hebrews after Eber) that they were to not to intermarry with any other people groups and they needed to keep the blood pure from those with satanic blood in order to serve Him. This was the reasoning behind the flood – an intermixing of the bloodlines had been done. Noah and his sons were still pure of blood with no blood of Satan or his minions.

Jacob married from his own people and had twelve sons. After this Yahweh spoke to him and renamed him Israel, which would be the name of the people who were set-apart as a servant people for Yahweh.

These 12 sons became the 12 tribes or nations of Israel. They all traveled to Egypt during a time of famine. During those 400 years many of them migrated out of Egypt towards Greece. These became the Trojans, very mighty warriors. They settled the area of Greece and became known as Dorian Greeks or Danaan’s. The mighty Spartan’s were Israelite’s. In time, these people traveled up along the seacoast to Europe, including Rome and became the Romans, then into northern Europe and some became the Vikings and other Scandinavian peoples.

After the release from the Egyptian captivity the balance of the Israelites followed Moses and migrated through the desert and into the land of Canaan, which had been set apart for them from Yahweh. They were to rid the land completely of any Canaanites because of their human blood sacrifice, satanic bloodline, and mystery Babylonian secret religion. Before learning this I often wondered why Yahweh would be so cruel as to kill all the people of that land including babies and children. The Bible makes so much more sense when you know the true meaning of things. This is why in Revelation Yahshua Christ speaks of dashing children against the stones. Those are the children of satanic bloodlines.

The Israelites and paganism.

Once in the land of promise (land of Canaan) the Israelites did good for a time. They were on a roller coaster of following Yahweh and His law and then not. Good, evil, good, evil. First under the judges, then under kings. After King David died there was a separation of the tribes between the northern and southern kingdoms. The Southern Kingdom included the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, plus what was left of Simeon plus some Levites who were the priests. The Northern Kingdom was comprised of the rest of the tribes. There were good kings and evil kings in both kingdoms. At the heart of the evil times there was always a mixing between Israel and the Canaanites. Worship of the gods of the evil one, race-mixing, falling into idolatry and human sacrifice were far too common.

Yahweh warned His people time and time again through the prophets. Many prophets were murdered because people did not want to hear the truth. They loved their lives just the way it was. They followed whatever the majority did. They fell out of relationship with Yahweh and His Law which kept them pure and set apart.

Finally, Yahweh had enough. He had warned enough. He sent the Assyrians into the Northern Kingdom territory and took the people captive. All of the Northern Kingdom and most of the Southern Kingdom were taken into captivity. The only thing left of the Southern Kingdom was the city of Jerusalem with some of the surrounding territory. ALL twelve tribes were taken with only a small remnant left behind.

724 – 722 B.C.

In those days, when one kingdom conquered another, the thing to do was to remove all the people who lived in that territory and move them into another – to completely displace them. Then the king would take another group of people and move them into the other area – displacing them, too. It helped keep people off guard so they could be controlled easier. So, Israel was taken completely out of the land of Israel/Canaan and displaced north into Assyria. This happened in approximately 722-724 BC.

That left just the small southern kingdom with the city of Jerusalem. They didn’t do any better with idolatry and after many warnings from Yahweh through the prophets they, too, were taken into captivity, this time by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon in 586 BC.

This is where it starts to get even more interesting and what involves us today 2500 years later. (BTW that 2500 years is an interesting number which we will cover another day.)

Enter the Edomites.

The people group Nebuchadnezzar moved into the land of Judah or Judea to replace the Judahites/Israelites who were taken to Babylon were the descendants of Esau who had intermarried with the Ishmaelites and Canaanites – by then called Edomites. These Edomites were not good people and if you read your Bible you will read quite a bit about them. The name Edomite first appears in 2 Kings 16:6. They continually caused Israel trouble. So much so that Yahweh in Malachi tells how He hates the Edomites. I’ll repeat part of that here.

Malachi 1:3-4 – “but I have hated Esau and have laid waste his mountains and his inheritance for the jackals of wilderness. If Edom says, we have been beaten down, let us return and build the ruins, Yahweh of hosts said thus: Let them build, but I tear down. And they shall be called the land of wickedness, and the people against whom Yahweh is enraged forever.”

This prophecy has not yet been fulfilled. We are still waiting. Those Edomites have worked hard over the past 2,500 years to build up their society. Mystery Babylon is alive and well thanks to them. Ask yourself who owns everything. The medical field, science, farming, the media, who runs government, the economic system including the banks and stock market, etc.

Where are the real Israelites?

At this point in the history of the Israelites we now have three distinct paths. The first was the people who went the way of Greece and then made their way to Europe and northern Europe. We have the second very small group of Judahites/Judeans along with some Benjamite’s who are in Babylon. Then we have the majority who after Nebuchadnezzar conquered Assyria between 626 and 609 BC were free people again. Instead of traveling back to their original homeland they went north up through the Caucasus mountain range into what became Scythia. Israelites became known as Caucasians because they came from the Caucasus mountain region. Let that sink in a moment. Every time I read that I get chills. They slowly migrated westward into Germania (Germany), Gaul (France), and Britannia (Britain). Reaching those countries, they connected with very long-lost twelve-tribe relatives who had migrated north from Greece along the seacoast. After settling most of Europe the paths of the Caucasian migration continued into primarily North America, Australia, South Africa, and New Zealand.

Back to the Judahite’s in Babylon. After the Babylonian captivity of 70 years they were allowed to go back to their homeland and some did, some did not. The few who returned found a homeland that was no longer theirs but had been usurped completely by the Edomites. By the time just before Yahshua was born the Edomites had taken over governance, the temple, and the land. The temple by that time was a mix of the Law of Yahweh and that of Satan with the Pharisee’s using the mystery religion book, now called the Babylonian Talmud. (Part of Mystery Babylon).

Because Jerusalem was overrun with the Edomites, the returning Judahite’s relocated from Babylon to the area of Galilee and Samaria. The temple priests including the Pharisee’s were primarily Edomites. It was those Edomites, who were later to be called Jews, who crucified the Messiah. They did not want to lose their power and control to who they thought was a new King of the Judean’s come to replace them. They saw that the people were looking to Him as their King and Savior and had to do something to stop that. They did. This is why Yahshua (Jesus) said what He did in John 8. There are several clues in this chapter to who the Edomite/Jewish leaders really were. They knew and Yahshua knew and they knew that He knew. That was His death sentence. By the way, King Herod was an Edomite. I urge all Christians to read and ponder John chapter 8 and think about it in a physical rather than spiritual way.

What did Yahshua have to say?

John 8:31-33: So Yahshua said to those Jews (Edomites) who believed Him, If you stay in my Word, you are truly My taught ones, and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. They answered Him, “We are the seed of Abraham, and have been servants to no one at any time.”

Hmmm… ALL of Israel had been servants/been in bondage, in captivity, at some point. In Egypt, then either in Assyria, or Babylon. The Edomite Jews were the seed of Abraham through Esau and Ishmael, but not through Jacob. Jacob and his descendants had all been in captivity.

More truth comes out in John 8:44: You are of your father the devil. And the desires of your father you wish to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has not stood in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it.

Continue reading the passage. They never deny what Yahshua said to them. They knew it was the truth, and He knew that they knew. That is why they had to murder Him. The truth was too dangerous for them. It could cost them everything. Does that sound similar to what is going on in our world today?

This was not some spiritual analogy Yahshua was making. It was the truth. These people could trace their lineage all the way back to Satan and the fallen angels from the beginning.

Most people today would say that the Jews come from the tribe of Judah. That is because that is what they have been taught by those who don’t know the true history which has been covered up for 2,500 years. Just who covered up this most important truth? Good question.

The word Jew.

An interesting fact to me is the word Jew did not even come into existence until the year 1775. The best known 18th century editions of the Bible did not have the word Jew in it. The King James version published in 1611 did not have it either. During the 18th century under pressure from Jews who had infiltrated the Christian publishing houses, the word began to appear. Thousands of these Bibles were then distributed to the clergy, theological institutions, and throughout the English speaking world. Millions upon millions of dollars have been spent in propaganda by Jewish world leaders trying to convince Christians that Yahshua was a Jew. This is where the term Judeo-Christian was coined. Two words that could not be more opposite. The idea that Christianity is some off-shoot religion stemming from Judaism is ridiculous and a complete lie.

Along with these translation changes there was a push to indoctrinate Christians to the idea that the Jews were Yahweh’s chosen people rather than themselves, and using the words Yahweh spoke to Abraham to scare religious leaders into being very careful how they speak about the Jewish people. There were no Jews or even Edomite’s at the time of Abraham, as Esau was Abraham’s great-grandson. The words given to Abraham that I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you are now used by Christian’s against other Christian’s speaking the truth about the Jews. Oh how the Jews are laughing at Christian Israelite’s now. Another word the Jews made up to use against Christian’s who speak against the Jews is anti-Semitic. All Israel are Semites because we are from the line of Shem of Noah. The Jews have caused so much confusion for Christian Israelite’s. They have caused people to be afraid to stand up for the truth. I, myself, have been called many names over the years for speaking about this history.

Where are the true Israelites now?

Israelites today are scattered all over the world just like the Bible tells us they would be. Scattered and most don’t know their own history. They were blinded to it for their disobedience in following satanic rituals and race-mixing instead of doing what Yahweh told them to do 2500 years ago. Just as the Bible tells us they would be. They migrated and covered Europe then into the new world just as the Bible tells us they would be. Some are starting to wake up to who they truly are. More and more every day. One day we will dig deeply into all the prophecies concerning where Israel would end up. In the past I often wondered why America was not in Bible prophecy. Hmmm… Then I studied and realized America is smack dab in the middle of the end of the end.

Matthew 7:7: Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find, knock and to him who knocks it shall be opened.

That verse is a key. A hint. For us to find out not only our true identity but the true identity of those who are our enemies. So Ask. Ask Him to show you the truth. Let Him guide you on the path. I promise you He will.

The truth unlocks the door to knowing who all the players of the world are today. Once you realize who is behind all of the evil we are facing you will realize we are still in the same battle we were in thousands of years ago. It is the same players, the same groups. Satan has been trying to eliminate the Israelites since that day in the Garden of Eden when Yahweh said in Genesis 3:15: And I put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed (Satan/Cain) and her Seed (Yahshua/Israel). He shall crush your head, and you shall crush His heel.

The seed of Cain is alive and well on this earth today. When you research to see who owns everything you will see Edom plain and clear under the name Jew. The Esau/Edomite/Canaanite/Kenite/Jew – satanic through and through. The truth shall set you free.

But aren’t the Jews God’s chosen people?

Lastly, many times the first thing someone will say after hearing this is that this cannot be true. They say the Jews are Yahweh’s chosen people and that so much of the end times timeline is about them and the country of Israel. I say that Yahweh’s chosen people are the Israelites then and the Israelites now. Yahweh has never changed. In Ezekiel and in the Revelation he tells that both houses of Israel – Judah and Israel – will be reunited. And Israel is a race of people not just a place. If the place changes, the people remain the same.

Let’s go back to 1748 with the birth of Adam Weishaupt. He was a Jew who ingratiated himself into the catholic religion as a priest, financed by the house of Rothschild, who created for them the organization called the Illuminati. He wrote the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a plan to take over the world. You can download a copy free by searching for it. By the way there was a planned takeover of the catholic church just as there was later of the Christian church. Through infiltration. If you’ve ever heard of the Jesuits know they are part of this evil. Did you know that several of the popes were Jewish? True.

The Edomites/Jews knew they needed to infiltrate the church and everything that went along with that, including the Bible. They had to own publication companies and even ran religious education institutions.

Here are some published writings from Jewish sources which corroborate all of this. This is just a small sampling.

The Jewish author Yair Davidy in his book The Tribes – Israelite origins of Western Peoples tells in much detail that Saxon people are Israel. (In fact, the name Saxon comes from Isaac’s sons.)

Jewish author Harry Golden: Isaiah the prophet wrote that the remnant of Yahweh’s people would be found in the Isles of the Sea. These islands are shown to be the United Kingdom.

Modern Jewish authorities say Modern Jewry is in Edom. They know they descend from Esau, not Jacob. The Jewish Encyclopedia states that Jews are from Edom.

The Scofield Reference Bible.

Today we have an almost universal interpretation of both Testaments that is taught in all major Bible Colleges, Seminaries, and Churches. These have the same effect of, “Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition”. What are incorporated in them are the doctrines of secular humanism and universalism that are woven into the fabric of both Testaments of the Bible. Cyrus I. Scofield was used to set these beliefs into a written form that is known as the Scofield Bible, a version with copious footnotes written by Scofield while he was in prison for fraud. This version is still popular with many thousands of church people using the notes.

Scofield defrauded his mother-in-law out her life savings. He was convicted of forgery. He openly carried on with other women and abandoned his wife and family. Never sent them a dime of support. When his wife finally divorced him, he married the woman with whom he was living. All the time he was writing the now infamous notes to the Scofield reference Bible. As a Christian he was a disgrace. He called himself “Dr.” yet he never went to any college that could convey that degree. His life as a minister makes the recent escapades of some modern pastor’s pale into insignificance. His financial support for the reference Bible came from a Zionist group out of Boston Massachusetts known as the Secret Six. That group is tied to the order of the Illuminati. This was all a part of the plan set from the 1700’s. The plan to fool everyone, especially Christians/Israelite’s.

There is more to this story to the Jews, much more, but not for today. In future we will talk about the Khazarian Jews and the Sephardic Jews.

For today know they are not, as they tell us, Yahweh’s chosen people. In fact, they are just the opposite. They are the people Yahweh hates. Although they have convinced the whole world, including most of Christianity, the complete opposite.

Questions for further study.

Who is an Israelite?
How do we know who is an Israelite?
More important, am I an Israelite and how would I know?
Are bloodlines still important or is everything spiritualized now?
Does the Bible say anything about the Word being spiritualized?
How does all that affect us today?

Many answers lead to even more questions.

This is Simply My Opinion,

Author: Adoption Combat Zone available on Amazon – the story of our adoption of four teenagers from Ukraine.


    1. Thank you. I appreciate your thirst for knowledge and understanding. I pray that your journey is filled with Him and His wisdom. Be blessed with His love and insight. Kathe

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